About Us


At Modoc Middle School, we provide sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students with a strong district-adopted curriculum in all subject areas. 

We are concentrating on improving students’ achievement through a variety of programs, including AVID, Accelerated Reader, before school, at lunch and after-school tutoring, ELA & Math intervention, and school-wide Intervention Class for all students.

Our staff welcomes parent input and communicates with parents regularly via the phone, email, and student planners.

Technology is integrated in all curricular areas. All core curriculum classrooms have Chromebooks for students and interactive Smart Board technology.

Every year we use Title I funds to pay for instructional aides, who provide individual assistance in core curriculum. These para-professionals are also available to students before school, at lunch, and after school for extra tutoring and to provide a quiet place to study.

Modoc Middle School is committed to providing a safe learning environment where staff, students, parents and community accept the responsibility of preparing students for academic success. Modoc Middle School will prepare our students to take a role in society as productive high school students and citizens that can plan for their own future.